Tuesday, January 25, 2011

"Say Hello to My Little Friend"

Translation...Translation is defined as written communication in a second language, having the same meaning as the written communication in a first language....I'm still thinking about some vegan nachos I had 2 days ago. Translated as yummy or veganyo yummyo in Italiano! I'm pretty fond of Twitter. For so many reasons that it deserves it's own post titled, "Twitter and Why I Heart You." But, I'll save that for another day. Why did I mention Twitter? Oh yes, the other day someone "mentioned" me on Twitter and addressed me as Juan. Usually, people just use your Twitter handle alone and don't include your name. Seeing my name sparked me to respond in Spanish. I responded with two words, "de nada." Translated as "you're welcome" in English. This resulted in an entire dialogue in Spanish. It was a bit invigorating. It was different, my right brain was pumped, and I had taken a trip to Spain via one conversation on Twitter.

Do I speak Spanish? Poquito my friend.  Of course, I began taking it in 5th grade, high school, a stint in NYC, various trips to South America, and don't forget my bi-weekly Dominican hair salon visits. By the way, my name is Juan. That alone should give me automatic Spanish street cred. But, all I can truly say is "poquito." How did I carry on a conversation on Twitter? "Say hello to my little friend" in my Tony Montana voice...Google. That's right, Spanish translation via Google. Simply typed in my sentence in English and voila, it was perfectly translated. So why this long random story? An opportunity presented itself and I grabbed it by it's coattails. Always be ready for what life throws at you. Never back down from a challenge. You might just enjoy it. Your right brain will absolutely thank you. Are you prepared for those serendipitous moments that are on their way to you? Be open, be prepared and even if you're not prepared. Life will always throw you a net. You just have to pay attention and make sure you catch it.

The more you know who you are, and what you want, the less you let things upset you. - Lost in Translation

© Copyright 2011-2012, Juan Hagger. All rights reserved.

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