Wednesday, October 5, 2011

All For You

Have you ever had this feeling, that there is only one person for you? I say feeling, but I should really say knowing. No matter how much time passes or life goes on. You always go back to knowing that person is the one for you. To say that is a difficult predicament, is putting it mildly. What if who we truly believe is right for us, is not who God knows is right for you?

What if all this time, one is searching for that special someone, and the true one has been there all along. That one person, is all for you. Specifically designed with you in mind. How would that make you feel? What does it take for us to open our eyes and look around? I mean really look around. You never know, you may just see someone. Someone who is really special. So special, that even God says, "This one right here, this one is all for you."

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