Journey's song, "Don't Stop Believing." "Just a small town girl, livin' in a lonely world. She took the midnight train. Goin anywhere." Oh my gosh, I love that song! Journey..Journey..Journey. What journey are you on? The motherhood journey, school journey, employee journey.....What journey am I on? A passion filled journey. Filling my world up with all the passion that is on the inside of me. You see, I didn't particularly choose this journey. I must say that it chose me. Passion...It fills up inside of you until you're about to burst at the seams. You can try to ignore it but, it just gets a little louder each day. You can attempt to drown it out with busyness and preoccupation with other things. But, no it's not going anywhere.
My passion screamed so loud I had no choice, but to give it my attention. Some run to their passion. Some run as fast as they can from it. Me? Well, I guess I initially ran to it. I witnessed how powerful it was and decided, "You know what, I'm going to sit this one out. I'll be over here if you need me. Waaaay over here." Passion.....I love you. I couldn't imagine being on any other journey. You're filled with serendipitous moments, laughter, crying, and joy. I often dance like nobody's watching. It's like my body is filled with so much excitement and joy. I just have to break out in a dance. My dog Dublin is used to it...He's cool with it. I rock out to old school music in my car on a daily basis. Oh and forget about it if the song, "On Broadway" by George Benson comes on the radio....It's a wrap son! Passion filled journey. That's my journey and I love every bit of it!
"Dance like nobody's watching; love like you've never been hurt. Sing like nobody's listening; live like it's heaven on earth."
Mark Twain
© Copyright 2011-2012, Juan Hagger. All rights reserved.
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