Saturday, January 29, 2011

NYC and Why I Heart You

3:02 am...So quiet. Why do I feel as though my body is on East Coast time. No idea why. I haven't been to NYC since Fall 2009. But, I wake up bright and early at 3 am. My dream ended so abruptly as if it was like, "okay it's been fun, now it's time to wake up." How awesome it is for your body to determine it's time to start a new day. No alarm clock needed. I like that. I'm pretty sure I have two different coasts within me.

New York...New York and why I heart you. You speak liberation to me. You speak rhythm to me. You yell freedom to me. I once knew you. You were a breath of fresh air to my southern ways. You move differently. Never missing a beat. I got your number as soon as I seen the bright lights. I cried and laughed with you. You freed me from myself, when I didn't know I needed freeing. You kept me when I needed to be kept. You revived me, when everyone else had forgotten. You showed me art through classical music. You brought someone into my life who seen straight through me. How was that possible? I don't know. I thought I was in my own little world and no one had a clue to the wonderland within me. Thank you New York. The rhythm, the movement, the heartbeat. You are near and dear to me. With every step I take, you are there. Where are you? I ask quite often. Then I remember where I last seen you. NYC...I heart you New York. You gave me permission to live out loud. Ain't no stopping us now...

© Copyright 2011-2012, Juan Hagger. All rights reserved.

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