I won't disclose all of the details. But, I will discuss some. One of my roommates turned into a stalker. Crazy but true. He was not only a roommate, but he was the landlord also. Long story short...police were involved and advised me to get a restraining order. I think I lived there for 2 months. The entire time I was working on my lifestyle show pilot. I was going through pure hell. The person would call me the "N" word and a whole lot of other names. Things were cool, until I found out he was going through my undergarments and peeping through my window. That's when the tide turned. Everything hit the ceiling the week of my show.
Now, I understand how life works. When you're moving forward in your dreams. Everything will try to come against you. The purpose is to throw you off course. To distract you and keep you from accomplishing your goals. I knew if I succumbed to what was going on. I would not have finished my project. All the planning, the crew, and the "set" would have been wasted. Some of the scenes I shot for my pilot were at the house. Once, I finished the pilot. The person told me, “I’m going to ruin your online reputation.” I thought that was strange. I didn't even have an online reputation. I wasn't even acting. I pretty much was chillin. The only thing I was working on was my project. That was an idea I had and knew with every part of my being that I had to carry it out. Didn't know what the outcome would be. Wasn't concerned. I just knew God gave me the idea and I had to finish it. That’s it...So, the person found out I was on IMDB and became upset. That's a joke to me. I had only one IMDB credit and still to this day, have only one credit. The person acted as if I was a celebrity and he was going to take me down. Please note, I was chillin at that point in my life. Chillin meaning doing absolutely nada. The person put lies online about me and listed their contact number as my phone number. If people looked up clowns or movie theaters, my name and number would show up. LOL!
I began my lifestyle show pilot discussing “The Alchemist” for a reason. I mentioned from the book, how the soul of the world tests everything when you're moving forward on your journey. For me personally, opposition, tests, and trials do not bother me because I always come out on top. In fact, I celebrate them in the process. I'm always stronger as a result. Therefore, I'm pretty much a beast when it comes to challenges. I conquer them like nobody's business.
What I’ve learned from this experience is I don't believe anything online, rumors, or heresay about people. If it's negative, I don't believe it. Unless, I see it personally or hear from that individual. I don't believe it. People can write anything online and in magazines. It doesn’t mean it’s true. I never say anything negative about celebrities. No one knows what that person's life experience is. You haven't walked in their shoes. Whatever choices they made to achieve their level of success. Those were their choices. Although, I'm on the outside looking in. Los Angeles, entertainment, fame...that road is a beast. I have observed enough to know people on the outside have no idea. I applaud everyone that has achieved their dreams against all odds. Yes, everyone. I do not speak negatively about people. No one is perfect and there is never any room for judgment. How can we judge someone? If people peered into your life behind closed doors. What would they see?
When I woke up today. Two things came to mind. My experience and Tom Cruise. Now for the Tom Cruise part. I was living my life in my own world. I was in LA, but I was removed from "LA." Meaning, just going through life. I had left LA for about a year, spending most of that year in New York and had recently moved back. My days consisted of walking my dog, working, and just doing me. I would go hiking daily and my dog was a puppy. One day as I was beginning my hike, I looked forward and seen a couple in the distance. I thought to myself, "Oh look at the cute couple." That was it. My cap was pulled down low. I'm not particularly observant, so I didn't really pay attention anymore.
I was just walking. All of a sudden, I heard this vibrant, "Hello!" I looked up and it was Tom Cruise. My eyes went from left to right in slow motion. Tom Cruise’s left shoulder was at my left shoulder, Katie was right in front of me and baby Suri was in her arms. When I looked into his eyes, it was as if I knew him. Yes, I know we all know him from films. But, it was a recognizable knowing. I can’t explain it. But, he was the same way he is on TV. Very vibrant energy, huge smile, and inviting. Had he not said, "Hello" I would not have noticed him. I would have walked right pass him. I told you, I'm always in my own world. So, he said, "Hello" and I responded, "Hi." He then asked, "How are you?" in his vibrant, energetic, and Oprah interview zest. Well, this caught me completely off guard. I slowly began walking to the right of Katie, and said, "fine" in a low voice. I’m not sure if I had even heard myself. I don't know if he heard me. He probably thought, I gave him the cold shoulder. I wasn't expecting the conversation to continue after the first, “Hello.” So, I was a bit awkward. Just imagine you're in your own little world on a hiking trail and you look up and it's Tom Cruise. He had 1 bodyguard several feet ahead of him and 1 several feet behind him. Even, the bodyguard in the back said, "Hello" with a smile as vibrant as Tom. That same day, I went to the store and noticed a magazine stating, “Baby Suri is missing.” Ummm…no world they are chilling and hiking. Don’t believe what you read in magazines.
I'm writing about Tom Cruise for this reason. I live in LA and see celebrities all the time. It's the norm. No big deal. But, I was completely removed from "LA" at the time this happened. And it just came out of the blue. Plus, Tom Cruise is “Tom freaking Cruise!” He's a legend or iconic figure or whatever the best word is to describe him. I don't care what anyone has to say about him. He is hella cool. I know people who have only said 5 words on screen and don't even look at me when passing. These are peeps that I've talked to before. Shoot, I know extras that have been "featured" and forget your name at craft services. Tom Cruise, I freaking heart you! You can jump on my couch anytime. I will even join you and we can play “Joy and Pain” by Maze and Frankie Beverly in the background. Ciao peeps!
© Copyright 2011-2012, Juan Hagger. All rights reserved.
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