Friday, February 4, 2011


I'm doing a juice fast and I have 3 more days to go. It isn't that bad. I don't feel hungry, which is the most important thing. I've been using my Jack Lalanne juicer. I heart Jack Lalanne. I was watching a program last night filled with unbelievable talent and singing that absolutely moves your soul. I couldn't help but notice obesity. I don't know of another way to put it, but pure obesity. When we are moving towards our goals, there is something about being physically fit. After completing a workout and sweating profusely. You feel as though you can take on the world. It feels great. You’re taking charge of your life and you're benefitting those around you.

When we choose to eat fast food daily and watch TV over working out. We're not being considerate of our loved ones. Children want to have parents they can run and play with. Husbands want their wives to live as long as possible. Wives need their husbands to be the strong man they know is inside. We have to take care of ourselves. I always say, “It's not about vanity, it's about our health.” We have to come to a point where we are in control of our bodies. If it was up to our body, it would have us eating until our stomach hurts, go to sleep, and then get back up for dessert. We need to command our bodies, “this is what you’re eating today and this is when we are working out.” Curves are a blessing. Yes, I agree. Obesity, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol. Those my dear are a curse. Such a strong word, I know. But, they are not your friend. Let's say goodbye to obesity and yes to health. Take one step at a time. That's all you can do.

So many people say, "I'd like to do this, I'd like to do that." The mind should control the body. When you move your fingers, when you move your toes, that's done by the mind.  Jack Lalanne

© Copyright 2011-2012, Juan Hagger. All rights reserved.

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