Sunday, February 27, 2011

Hansy: "Hi, I'm Marcus"


Parker said, she will be a star. She whispered it in the middle of the night. No one was in the room. She simply woke up around 3 am and whispered, “I am going to be a star.” Why did she do this? She says, she always knew. At least that's what she tells Mrs. Jolie. Parker believed one day the time would come for her to embrace her "stardom." Until that day arrives, she would revel in being a princess. Many were fond of her in school. They seen themselves in her, their inner self. But no one dared to converse with her. She was too out there for them. So instead, they just let her be. She was more than happy with them, letting her be.

But, there was one person that was taken by her. His name was Marcus. Marcus was the cutest thing in Hansy. He knew it, they knew, and of course Parker knew it. She acted a bit shy, the day their paths crossed for the first time. She was in the 11th grade and he was a senior. Parker didn't see it coming. But, there he was in front of her. She had just closed her locker and he was standing there in all of his charm. He said, “Hi, I'm Marcus." She looked to the left and then to the right, smiled and said, “I know who you are.” Just like that.  Well, those words struck something in Marcus and it was the beginning of Parker and Marcus.

© Copyright 2011-2012, Juan Hagger. All rights reserved.

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