Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Where Did You Last See Your Passion?

Where did you last see your passion? I mean really see it. I'm not talking about glimpses of it, when it decided to push through and say, “Hello, is anyone there?” For some of us it may have been childhood. When you were doing your school play. Or it may have been when you were first introduced to multiplications and your teacher called you to the chalk board. You fell in love with math that day. It may have been your first flight. That's when you knew you wanted to be a pilot. Or was it the first time you had your hair pressed. Something about being in the beauty salon. You knew, you wanted to do hair. I remember when I was young, my mom's beauty salon was my playground. Me and my cousin would color our Barbie’s hair and wash it in the shampoo bowl. My cousin loved the salon and that became her passion.

The last time I seen my passion was in New York. I mean really seen it. Of course, I've seen glimpses of it since then. I have definitely lived a passion filled life since New York. But, New York is where I lived, ate, and breathed my one true passion. I know with every part of me, that New York is where I last seen it. New York is where I will have to go and pick it up. When? I don’t know. But if you remember where you last seen yours, go pick it up. It's waiting for you. Your passion doesn't have an expiration date. We all know once you pick it up, the world is yours for the taking. That's when the party really begins.

© Copyright 2011-2012, Juan Hagger. All rights reserved.


  1. So what are you waiting on? When are you going back to NY to claim and live your passion?

  2. Juan Hagger5/6/11 9:52 PM

    Oh Laugh...When this comment appeared in my inbox. I immediately felt challenged and couldn't help but smile. Any reasons I give for not going back to NYC, would be received as nothing but excuses. It is as simple as packing my bags and hitting the road. So, I will say this...I have some unfinished business here in LA. Once it is finished, NYC is where I will be. Thank you Laugh for your comment.
