Thursday, July 5, 2012

Love. It speaks to me.

Love. It speaks to me. In the quiet still moments of the day, and in the midst of air whispers in the night. Love. It speaks to me. Do you hear it? When I hear it, sometimes it brings me joy. And sometimes it causes an unsettled feeling, because it calls me from afar. Far from where I am now.  How does one decide to answer it's call? When love beckons, should one go and answer? Or should one simply ponder the possibility of it and continue their day? In the events that fill our lives, they mean nothing if Love isn't present. True life. Rich life. Successful life. Is one filled with Love. When a woman  meets a man. A man whom has debuted in her dreams.  Once she crosses his path, that's when life begins. Anything beforehand, is simply a prelude.  A time occupier. An appetizer. But when they meet, that is when life starts. Love. It speaks to me. Do you hear it?

© Copyright 2012-2013, Juan Hagger. All rights reserved.


  1. Juan, You are brilliant and inspiring. Thank you for taking the time to encourage us to stop, quiet our minds and hearts and listen to the music around us that is always there. Let me know when you land in Brooklyn! Thank you for following us so faithfully. Sincerely, Dawn Fotopulos, Founder, Best Small Biz

    1. Hi Dawn!

      Awww.....Your comment is so sweet. Thank you for such kind words. I'm elated that you have been blessed by my writing. I'll definitely let you know when I've made it to Brooklyn. Thank you again for reading my post and for such an awesome comment. Enjoy the rest of your weekend!


