Today is an exciting day for me. It has truly been a long time coming. I am debuting “Curly Gurl,” the first t-shirt of my clothing line. I truly believe every t-shirt has a story. In this case, it is my story of being a Curly Gurl. I have always been one. I believe, I came out of the womb celebrating my curls. I opted for roller sets verses flat irons, when possible. Do not get me wrong. I love versatility, so I also enjoyed wearing my hair straight. But, I am truly my authentic self from head to toe, when my hair is curly. It has personality, and you can’t help but to smile when your hair is curly. Curly hair is happy hair.

My most authentic journey with curly hair, began when I decided to go natural. I know it is quite popular now, but to be honest with you. I didn’t put much thought into it. Let me explain. I was working at Banana Republic on 5th Avenue in NYC. It was winter time and 9/11 had happened a few months prior. I had recently been setting my relaxed hair or cornrowing it. I would put it in cornrows, undo it, and wear it wild. My arms were getting tired with this process. I had just begun my seasonal job and been there for 2 days. With my freshly set hair, as I stood at the front of the store greeting customers. I decided, “I want to cut my hair.”
What was the origin of this idea? I guess it was the energy and vibe of NYC that I was feeling. NYC makes you feel like, you can be whomever you want. With no concern, for what the next man may think. I immediately made a hair appointment. The next day, I had all of my hair cut off. I didn't know anything about, a "Big Chop" or “going natural” as it is referred to today.
I knew freedom. Freedom to be, who I wanted to be. Freedom to embrace the strength that lies within me. Freedom to tell the world every second of the day, “This is me!” Cutting my hair, changed me. It's interesting how something on the outside, can change you on the inside. But, it is true. It happened that day. The old me stayed in the beauty salon, as the new me walked out of those doors, never to return. I embrace my curls. I rock my curls. I love my curls. They are me and I am them. I am Juan Carlon Hagger, and I am a Curly Gurl.
Link to view "Curly Gurl" @ my Etsy Store, Juan Hagger Clothier--->
Organic Curly Gurl T-Shirt
© Copyright 2011-2012, Juan Hagger. All rights reserved.
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